Why choose the antibody produced by VNYA?

VNYA's advantages

Automation saves time and effort: 168 Automated SPE System, 1-button operation, 6 solvents, 8 channels, high-end, high-efficiency,High-throughput。

The best experimental result guarantee:  High activity products, optimized production cycle。

Assured quality and safety:  Long-term storage guarantees high sensitivity and high stability of antigen and antibody to temperature

High-quality service and technical support:  Create the industry's highest level of customer satisfaction services High-quality service and technical support team dedicated to provide you with products and services.

How do I get customer service and technical support?

Please see the "Contact Us" page for technical support and customer service details. A customer service representative will be happy to assist you.

How do I get price information?

For prices, please contact our sales representatives. For more information, please see the Contact Us page.

How do I place an order?

Submit a purchase order (PO) by mail, fax, phone or email.

Provide the following information when placing an order:

1. Customer order number

2. Customer name

3. Phone number

4.Fax number


6. Company Name

7. Shipping address

8. Billing address

9. Product: Product number, performance description, quantity

10. Transportation requirements and / or special instructions

After the order starts to be processed, AoChuang staff will contact you, and you will receive the PI to confirm the order.

payment method:

Bank wire transfer, check, credit card